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Saturday, February 15, 2014

ESP: Extended Sense Perception


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  Columnist: Marc Berry

Image credit: stockxpert

ESP: Extended Sense Perception

Posted on Wednesday, 11 April, 2007 | 5 comments
Columnist: Marc Berry

As I have been ill for the last little while, my wife has kindly allowed me to present to you, dear reader, one of her articles. In legalese: this article is reprinted with permission. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. CeruleanBlue: When most people think of ESP, they think of extrasensory perception and defining it as a sixth sense. However, if you look at the categories of this area of human ability they each fall into one of the five senses: Clairvoyance – sight, clairaudience – hearing, psychometry (to handle something and gain knowledge from that interaction) – touch. Smell and taste are not as well understood in the West, but we've all heard ourselves or someone else say that a situation "smells wrong", and maybe it does quite literally. But the main point here is that each one is not an extra sense; they are each an extension of an already known sense. There is another term often associated with this phenomenon; PSI. This word comes from the Greek word psyche meaning mind or soul. Substitute the current popular word – consciousness – and you have the mechanism: Consciousness, which doesn't have local interaction only restrictions, acting through a particular regular sense to gain feedback from the environment at a distance, whether in space or time.

The implications of understanding this frame of reference is that anyone and everyone is "psychic". In other words, if you have a mind and you have senses, you can reach beyond your immediate environment to gain information. Perhaps we are extending our senses into a pervasive holographic information field (see Double Slit Experiment under observation) and depending on the nature of the information, a particular sense becomes the receiver of that information. So if the nature of the encoded information is visual, we see it. If it's encoded in sound, we hear it. Perhaps the information has a strong texture, so we feel it and so on.

Of course there are crossovers such as sound that is felt rather than heard and others that can be interpreted by more than one sense as say smoke can be (seen, smelt, tasted and felt). It may actually be these that get us mixed results when we try to test for these abilities and this would be the majority of information in this field – holistic encoding if you will . Look at any life event, big or small, it happens in complete packets (moments): You don't suddenly go blind to get one moment and deaf to get the next. Now, if we think of each sense as a channel or frequency and we're only looking for information on one channel, trying to fine tune that pick up, we will tend to miss the bulk of what's available. So our own bias of how we think the information "should" be encoded, prevents us from seeing it as it really is. Basically we're determining our content , right or wrong (objectively not morally).

Now, this proposed holographic field may have a feedback feature to it that could be likened to a sort of conversation we have with it when we engage in getting knowledge from it (which, by the way, we do all the time consciously or not). To store, as it were, information in this way, could be said to be a kind of memory spread across time, forwards and backwards. What if this field were conscious itself? In the Double Slit Experiment, the end result would produce interference wave patterns, but if watched, marbles hitting a screen. Why would these atomic particles produce a holographic-like pattern when not observed, but when consciousness interacts with it the information seems to change its expression? By not taking in the whole did communication break down?

What if you took all the consciousness on the planet – and that's far more than just humans – and had it stream around in the electromagnetic field that's all over the world. Then add a consciousness that is focusing on something specific that stream is carrying, is electrochemical and can communicate through sound (see this story at CBC) with this stream – in effect being a perfect antenna and relay station – and you may have a reason for psychic phenomenon and synchronicity: Query and response. Communication that is a conversation, two way, and holistic. If we really learn how to do this, nothing breaks down. Instead, it connects.

MBerry is co-founder of NewBranes.com, a blog covering all aspects of the paranormal.

His ultimate long term goal is to discover the General Unified Theory of Everything Weird.


Article Copyright© Marc Berry - reproduced with permission.

1 comment:

  1. The boundaries of sense and sensation are not fixed and are different from individual to individual and moment to moment. Perception can be extended and may know no necessary limits.
