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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How reliable is the knowledge provided by our senses?


How reliable is the knowledge provided by our senses?

There are many different theories about how our senses actually work. Initially, that may seem surprising: surely our senses just communicate what’s out there, be it an image, a sound, or a smell, to the brain? But of course, the process is far more complicated than that, and the variables that are involved means that there is room for debate over what exactly happens. Moreover, just a quick glance at the perceptive abilities of animals quickly reveals just how limited our senses are: in terms of our eyes, for example, our lenses are not capable of dealing with objects at long distance, the twin images they then project onto the retina are tiny and upside-down, and the retina itself is pretty much colour-blind. The optical abilities of human beings, then, are very poor. So how do we see with any certainty? Where there is uncertainty, there are theories…

Herman Grid Illusion
Herman Grid Illusion

Hermann von Helmholtz’s ideas

The first serious study into how the eye works was done by Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894). He was a German physician and physicist who investigated an unfeasibly large number of subjects, one of them being, the eye. Having decided that vision should be, physiologically speaking, all but impossible, Helmholtz ventured the theory that we construct images in our minds by inferring the whole based on past experience. In other words, we convert the shaky and rather inaccurate pictures generated by our eyes into something that makes sense based on our understanding of the world.

Verifying Helmholtz’s ideas

Scintillating Grid Illusion
Scintillating Grid Illusion

These two optical illusions are probably familiar. The images show two different grids on top of a black background. The first, known as the Hermann grid illusion after its nineteenth century ‘discoverer’, Ludimar Hermann, shows a series of white lines on top of the background. Except, that’s not what you see. You see white lines with black blobs at their intersecting points. The second one, which is even more arresting, is known as the scintillating grid illusion, and was created in 1994 by Lingelbach. This has intersecting grey lines on top of the background with white spots at the meeting points of the lines. Except when you are not focusing on these spots, they turn black.

The precise way in which these illusions work is very complex, and certainly not worth going into. For our purposes, it is enough to say that we have trouble perceiving the true image because of the frailties of our optical sense. Our minds try to put a picture together for us to comprehend, but is unable to do so because of conflicting models of comparison. This makes more sense when we consider the theory that advanced the ideas of Helmholtz.

Gestalt Theory

The German word ‘gestalt’ means “form”, “figure”, or “shape”, and is the label given to a group of psychologists based in Berlin who were working during the 1920s – 40s. They agreed with the idea that we make a ‘best fit’ of images created by our eyes, and added that we do so by perceiving the whole, rather than little bits of the object we are looking at individually. We do this unconsciously and very quickly. The phrase stating that, ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ is associated with Gestalt psychology.

The simplest example of this is how we perceive words: we do not base our understanding of words by individual letters, but by perceiving words, phrases and sentences. It is only when you come across a word that you have not encountered before do you have problems with individual word.

Do you see the dog?
Do you see the dog?

This sentence has
has something wrong
with it.

If you glance at the sentence above, you don’t initially notice the extra word, and you certainly don’t have any problem understanding what its meaning is.

A more complex example is the picture on the right. If you look at its individual parts, it is very hard to make sense of. However, if you allow your eyes to take in the whole of the image at once, you are able to determine what its subject is.

It is, of course, a Dalmatian dog sniffing around underneath a tree whose leaves have dropped onto the ground.

Latest theories

The weakness of the ideas of the Gestalt psychologists is that they generally describe, rather than explain, how our senses work. Modern theories are based on the ideas of computational neuroscience, which uses computers to build up models of how the senses work, and allows scientists much more scope to come up with explanations of how the brain functions.

However, what the ideas do provide us with is a way of understanding how we do not receive an objective picture of the world, and how our vision of the world – even at the basic level of sense perception – is often varied and subjective, and dependent on our powers of reason and emotion, which is where we are going next.

Beau Lotto on sense perception

Beau Lotto’s ‘Lotto Lab’ is dedicated to exploring how and why we perceive the world through our senses in the way we do. Lotto’s ideas are founded on the principle that we have evolved a way of seeing the world that suits us best, and that we are very selective in the way we view the world. He argues that context is everything: our minds often trick us into seeing things based on previous experience.

Lotto’s inspiring TED talk can be seen here. Watch it, and you will literally not be able to believe what you are seeing.


The implications of these illusions should not be underestimated, and the ‘fun’ side of them shouldn’t overshadow the what their significance is. As Lotto explains, our brains only see what they want to see – conditioned by evolutionary instincts of survival – no matter what our reason tries to impose on our minds. In other words, what we see may not match up to reality at all.

Here are some more extraordinary illusions which our brains simply cannot cope with.

Do the horizontal lines appear straight? They are.
Do the horizontal lines appear straight? They are.

Do the grains of rice appear to be moving? They're not
Do the grains of rice appear to be moving? They’re not

Does the image look as though it is expanding? It isn't
Does the image look as though it is expanding? It isn’t

Stare at the cross for 10 seconds. Do you see a green dot moving around the circle? It isn't there
Stare at the cross for 10 seconds. Do you see a green dot moving around the circle? It isn’t there

Cite this page as: Dunn, Michael. How reliable is the knowledge provided by our senses? (10th May 2013). theoryofknowledge.net. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Quantum Activism

Meet Amit Goswami

Theoretical Quantum Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami is a revolutionary amongst a growing body of renegade scientists who, in recent years, has ventured into the domain of the spiritual in an attempt both to interpret the seemingly inexplicable findings of curious experiments and to validate intuitions about the existence of a spiritual dimension of life. A prolific writer, teacher, and visionary, Dr. Goswami has appeared in the movies What the Bleep do we know!?, Dalai Lama Renaissanceas well as the award winning documentary, The Quantum Activist (read more)

CPAK 2014 Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge | October 17-19 | Register at www.cpakonline.com

Ancient Wisdom Event Welcomes
Dr. Amit Goswami

The Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge (CPAK) brings together the leading scientists and explorers on the topic of "Ancient Wisdom in Pre-Dark Age Cultures." This year, the 9th Annual CPAK (October 17 - 19) will study the archeology, anthropology, language, science and spiritual practices of these cultures with the goal of better understanding consciousness in the higher ages.
Materialist Science

Materialist Science Isn’t The Whole Picture! What do we mean by materialist science? Materialist science takes it as its basic axiom that everything is matter. We have literally managed to train a whole generation of students on the idea that everything is material, but this Newtonian world view that has shaped our understanding for centuries is now giving way to the revelations of quantum physics which goes beyond materialism; to show that consciousness, not matter, is the ground of all being.
It's Objective and It's Scientific

You can call it God if you want, but you don’t have to. Quantum consciousness will do. Nonlocality, tangled hierarchy, and discontinuity: these signatures of quantum consciousness have been independently verified by leading researchers worldwide. This experimental data and its conclusions inform us that it is the mistaken materialist view that is at the center of most of our worlds problems today. To address these problems, we now have a science of spirituality that is fully verifiable and objective.

What is Amit Thinking About?

Manifest Your Dreams
When we think about cosmic ordering, we consider it to be the act
of placing an order with the universe and waiting to receive it. But, what is the key to unlocking its potential, and is it as simple as giving out good vibes and attracting them back – in a boomerang-like fashion? (read more)

Quantum Optimism
The metaphysics on which we base our perception of the world today is pessimistic. The metaphysics of scientific materialism that is now the foundation of all our sciences and social systems recognizes only the existence of matter, which necessarily limits our choices and therefore our ability to solve the planetary crises facing the human race... (read more)
It's Time to Walk Our Talk

More than just theory, quantum activism is the moral compass of quantum physics that helps  us to actually transform our lives and society.

’So let’s walk our talk, and make brain circuits of positive emotions. We just do it. We practice. Let some of us be good, do good. Be with God some of the time, be in the ego some of the time, and let the dance generate creative acts of transformation. With this resolution, with this objective in mind, I invite you to become Quantum Activists.’
A genuine paradigm shift. While mainstream science remains materialist, a substantial number of scientists are supporting and developing a paradigm based on the primacy of consciousness. Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D, a pioneer of this revolutionary new perspective within science shares with us his vision of the unlimited potential of consciousness as the ground of all being and how this revelation can actually help us to live better.

OPINION: 7 Categories of Dreams and Their Meanings

Define Your Dreams: 7 Categories of Dreams and Their Meanings

Dreams can have categories within categories that can be limitless. However, I have broken them down into seven easy to remember groups/categories that can be defined.  In my previous blog, I shared how you can dream your life to wellness by remembering your dreams.


In this blog, I will discuss the seven categories of dreams, how to define them, and how they can overlap.

After you have remembered, and written down your dream in your journal, define it by using the information and definitions below.  Then look for validation within the dream to be sure you have defined it correctly.

1.)                          Daydreams- when you know you are awake but no longer focused on a task. Your mind wanders and you begin to get information. It could be answers to a challenge in your life or the solution to a job related problem. This state is much like a meditative or prayer state. Your Higher Power is always aware and listening.

2.)                          Lucid Dreams- you know you are asleep and dreaming.  This usually occurs just as you drop into a dream state after you go to sleep. With time and practice you can learn to control the outcome of these dreams and also make them emotionally or spiritually healing dreams.  This is especially true if they are recurring dreams. Change the ending or your reaction during a lucid recurring dream may solve the riddle in your life. One listener to my radio program said that she always had trouble falling asleep and never remembered her dreams, just that she woke up angry as soon as she had fallen asleep. As she worked on remembering her dreams by writing them in her journal and following the steps in my previous blog (link above) her father kept appearing in her dream and it would make her so angry she would immediately wake up. The next time her father showed up in her lucid dream she embraced him and told him that she forgave and loved him. She took control of her lucid dream and the angering recurring dreams stopped. That new ending was the key to her anger and difficulty sleeping riddle.

3.)                          Nightmares- who can forget that message. It is a way to be sure you remember all the important information necessary to solve a problem or work through a situation that could be life-saving. In my case it was a dream that started off as a spiritually guided lucid dream but turned into a prophetic healing nightmare when my guides turned into scary circus clowns while holding my mammograms. I immediately got the message and the details were impossible to forget. This prophetic lucid nightmare saved my life. I had stage four breast cancer that my doctors had missed in my mammogram.

4.)                          Recurring- because you did not understand the information the first time or solve the riddle of life. Remember, dreams speak to us with signs and symbols. If you keep missing the message, it may start to morph into a recurring nightmare.

5.)                          Healing-emotional or physical information to help heal yourself or a situation.

6.)                          Prophetic- dreams that come true and can be validated by facts, scientific tests, or life events. My prophetic dreams of cancer were validated by pathology reports.

7.)                          Epic- an entertaining storybook that you pick up and continue during sleep. It is a break from reality,  entertaining movie during sleep time. An opportunity for your inner children and imagination to play.

Dreams can be messages from the “other side” or just entertainment. We know the difference by validation within the dream. Keeping a dream journal will help you learn to distinguish between the different types of dreams and their messages.

We often forget that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience on the earth plane. We are spiritual being housed in a human body having a human experience. Our spirit is in this terrestrial world but not of this world. Therefore, we are partially extraterrestrial. Our dreams are our inner-ET phoning home for information or help dealing with human challenges. What is amazing is that someone on the “other side” always answers the phone. Categorizing and defining your dreams will help you remember the answers to your inner-ET’s questions.

Learn more about the author: Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos @ www.survivingcnerland.com  where you can follow her on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.